Dementia is an overall term for diseases and conditions characterized by a decline in memory, language, problem-solving and other thinking skills that affect a person’s ability to perform everyday activities. Memory loss is an example. Alzheimer is the most common cause of dementia.
The project
The need of training for caregivers of people affected by dementia will be covered by the DCare project, through the creation of an educational program in the form of online learning, where the caregivers of people with dementia (professionals and non-professionals), will be able to acquire basic skills related to helping people with dementia and how to help them avoid feeling isolated. The program can be used in VET education and training, in-work training for care staff and volunteers and in adult lifelong learning.
Online Course for caregivers
Free e-learning course for the caregivers
Train the Trainers Online Course
Free e-learning course for the trainers
Survey on the barriers which caregivers face
Mapping the difficulties
Skills analysis & best practices in EU
What works and where
Toolkit for dementia friendly home
Yes, your home can become dementia friendly!
Toolkit for dementia friendly activities
Friendly activities to people with dementia

Professional & Specialists (includes volunteers)
Introduction In all countries with an ageing population, the number of people living with, or at risk of dementia is…
CST – An Introduction
Time needed 6-8 hours This course is meant for partners only!
Informal Carers (including family, friends)
Enroll now and acquire all the needed skills to become a certified DCare member! Come on... Join us!
Trainers’ Course
All the needed information that a trainer of this project need to know. Enroll and learn how to properly teach…
Target Groups
professional carers
non-professional carers
health & social care students
all European citizens
training providers – teachers
Interested? Join us!