D-Care Final Transnational Project Meeting in Greece

The D-Care project is coming to an end, and in this framework, a Final Transnational Project Meeting was held in Patras (Greece) on the 20th and 21st of June 2022. Most of the partners were able to attend the meeting in-person, while Age UK and EfVET unfortunately participated online.

Throughout the meeting, partners discussed and agreed on the last steps prior to the end of the project. An overview of the status of the project was given by AUSER – coordinator of the project – and p-consulting.gr – partner and host of the meeting –, by presenting the results and deliverables of the different Intellectual Outputs (IO).

The status of the dissemination plan as well as the exploitation plan were presented by EfVET. With the collection of all the results and input from other partners, EfVET will elaborate the final Dissemination and Exploitation of the Results reports. Moreover, another relevant aspect highlighted during the meeting was the one regarding the Sustainability Plan, for which partners will provide their contributions to Associazione Omnis for the finalization of the report.

Age UK provided some ideas for the last newsletter, which will be published by the end of July. In addition, some partners informed that they would be holding a series of Multiplier Events in their corresponding countries between the 28th and the 29th of June 2022.

During the second day of the meeting, participants focused on the Final Report of the project. The template for the report was presented and afterwards, partners discussed about the next steps to make the report and finalise the project.

The Final Transnational Project Meeting of D-Care was a great occasion for partners to meet again and accomplish insightful results.