Carers need respite and support

Thinking about how to manage without day centres or activities for the person with dementia
As a carer you need respite and support for yourself to enable you to support the person with dementia better. The D-Care project aims to train and support caregivers with some respite.
It is imperative that you find ways to give yourself some respite – try to stay entertained and distracted. If at all possible, set up different areas around your home so that you can move from activity to activity: watch favourite films and musicals in the living room. Listen to the radio in the kitchen. Do jigsaw puzzles at the table. If you can, take walks around the garden. Or plan a walk around the balcony.
Organise your day as much as you can to give yourself a schedule and make a discipline and order for your days.
Ask friends and relatives to bring you films, puzzles, music, games – anything you think the person with dementia might like to do. Again, they can leave these outside the front door for you.
Staying physically active during this time will help to keep you mentally and physically well. If you feel well enough, and have access to public spaces near your home where you will not come into close contact with other people, then try and get outside for some exercise. Of course, this is only if you are allowed by the local public health rules. If you have a garden, go outside when possible.
If you can, plant up a few plant pots with seeds or flowers that can be placed near the windows. If you have a garden shed, there may be some projects in there you can try – like making a bird feeder.