Practical ways to help older people

The coronavirus pandemic has changed life for everyone, but some older people are among the hardest hit. Age UK is determined to be there during this.
During this unsettling time, it’s vital to keep in mind those who need us the most. This includes older people, who may be feeling uncertain and in need of help from others. Here are some ways you can be doing to help your older relatives, friends and neighbours, whether with practical stuff like their shopping, or keeping their spirits up at a time things feel challenging.
Keep in touch
Phone your older relatives and friends and ask if they need anything and let them know if they do, you can help out. And while you’re on the phone, why don’t you have a chat?
You could set up a rota with other family and friends to make sure someone is regularly giving them a ring to see if they’re OK.
This might also be a useful time to introduce older relatives and friends to technology that might prove helpful during this period, such as Skype or FaceTime.
Lend a hand
If you’re feeling well, why not offer to pick up shopping for an older neighbour or relative who might not be able to or is too worried to go to the shops? If you are helping someone who is self-isolating make sure you leave the shopping on their front doorstep, knock on their door and step back while you ensure they safely receive it. Make sure you stand 2 metres away from them at all times.
You could help an older person who lives further away from you and isn’t familiar with technology by doing an online shop for them. It’s worth checking before you offer to do so, though, as some services have suspended deliveries due to overwhelming demand.
Show you care
Why not make homemade cards (which is a great project to do with the kids), send a postcard, even post small gifts to keep people’s spirits up or just write a good old-fashioned letter to an older friend or relative?
Together, we will get through this.