RING – TransferRING Supports for Caregivers

Name of good practice | RING – TransferRING Supports for Caregivers |
Name of organisation | Comune di Torino (IT)
Website | http://www.associazioneomnis.it/ |
Email Address | associazione.omnis@gmail.com |
City, Country | Perugia, Italy |
Sector | Elderly care |
The project, financed in 2009 in the framework of the Programme Leonardo Da Vinci- Tranfer of Innovation ( LLP-LDV-TOI-09-IT-0446), has aimed to improve the quality of life of the caregivers, to strengthen also their position in the labour market and contribute to social cohesion with a relapse on assisted people, family and on social and health services. The project was pomoted by the Municipality of Tourin in cooperation with local ASL (Local Health Units), CENTRO MADERNA coop. soc. a r.l., the FONDAZIONE ISTITUTO OSPEDALIERO DI SOSPIRO (Cremona), the Italian UNIVERSITA’ CATTOLICA SACRO CUORE – Faculty of Medicine and Surgery (Roma) , the University of Tourin, Department of Educational Sciencies and the University of Transilvania (RO), the Municipality of Istanbul in Turkey and Igema Foundation of San Sebastian in Spain.
RING project started from results obtained in 2 previous projects coordinated by Turin (E1 measure- POR-ESF “VELA Project-Enhance the work experience of family carers”;ldv-mobility- Vetpro”LAPIS:formative tracks for the promotion of Healthy Ageing”.
Direct Target groups are professional and not professional caregiverscaregivers.
The Project has been aimed to support the group at risk constituted by caregivers,overall immigrants people employed and unemployed, in the activity of permanent learning by facilitated access to functional training, improving their care and support activities devoted to elderly people affected with dementia. These actions have been able to cut down the mental, physical and social health risks of the caregivers. The formal and the informal caregivers have required a greater qualification of their activity and, particularly, a support to face relational and communicative troubles, with dementia people.
At transational level, partners agreed they need:
– to improve and implement the training for professional and not professional caregivers of elderly people affected by dementia. This training was based on an innovative methodology of psycho-educational intervention, useful to enhance and improve relational skills and behaviour of people in initial or permanent training (Ingema Foundation-ES);
– to spread information on different forms of dementia, the course of the illness, practical indications regarding care and support at the end of the patient’s life by the creation of Guidelines for caregivers” a booklet, an informative guide (Sospiro Foundation-IT);
– to develop innovative teaching supporting measures to train caregivers such as DVD RING with clips from movies (Maderna Centre-IT).
The Project has been aimed to support the group at risk constituted by caregivers, in the activity of permanent learning by facilitated access to functional training, improving their care and support activities devoted to elderly people affected with dementia. These actions have been able to cut down the mental, physical and social health risks of the caregivers. The formal and the informal caregivers have required a greater qualification of their activity and, particularly, a support to face relational and communicative troubles, with dementia people. Ring project has given them an innovative structured educational product that provides competences on the theme of aid and supportive relationship.
Rong project will be useful for the preparation of the training programme course within D-CARE IO2 addressed to VET teachers /trainers as well as in the development of the open on line digital modules of IO4. Some of the modules’ contents included in the psychoeducational programme of RING project about relational strategies and models of cognitive restructuring to define techniques for ameliorating the emotional well being of the Alzheimer s caregivers could be transferred and used within D-Care Joint Training Programme. In addition to that the indications, tips and supporting measures illustrated within the booklet “Guidelines for caregivers” can be capitalised in the development of IO5- “Tolkit for dementia friendly activities and dementia friendly home” . Finally, the DVD Ring, realized with clips from many films,used in training field for caregivers to produce emotional involvement aimed to introduce issues and facilitate the discussion within the dissemination event and other D-CARE events.