Congratulations! You have successfully completed the self-assessment questionnaire!

You can find many great resources in our dementia friendly activity toolkit on caring for a person living with dementia and ready-to-use material in the special toolkit for dementia friendly home we have prepared for you!

According to your answers, your competences’ result is INTERMEDIATE LEVEL!

At this point, you make the most of your strengths and weaknesses and you do not hesitate to put all your effort, and all different kinds of resources into your vision about creating value as you care for others.

You can estimate alternative options and choose what you really want to do, work alongside various groups and networks, reflect upon, and evaluate your achievements and/or failures and benefit from either. You are quite capable of planning the care of the individuals that you are involved with, helping them to achieve.

In case you wish to further enhance and strengthen your competences and skills, take them to the next level, and/or stay informed about dementia care, including Cognitive Stimulation Therapy (CST), we suggest you regularly visit the website of the project: