Online partners’ meeting for our project
The online partners’ meeting for our project D-Care took place on the 5th of October 2020. Partners organized online meeting, in order to discuss for the next steps of the project implementation.
The online meeting started with partners describing the situation in their countries because of the COVID-19. They discussed for the difficulties that they had to deal with and how they can get over them and continue the implementation of the project without problems.
The next step of the project is the creation of an online platform which will host a course for the training of partners about the Cognitive Stimulation Therapy. The organization AgeUK is responsible for the educational material and has undertaken the creation and the implementation of the platform. In this course all the partners will be trained, at least one representative from each organization.
The next transnational meeting is planned for January 2021 in Bristol, United Kingdom, but it is possible to be implemented online, due to the COVID-19 situation.