Dementia Friendly Environments
Among the factors that determine the quality of life, the environment where an elderly person or a person living with dementia lives is a fundamental resource, not only with regard to the physical part, but also the emotional bond that develops with the space where they live as with the neighbourhood and the connection with the world in general (Yanguas, Sancho, Del Barrio, 2012).
The importance of this “continent” where we want to live as we get older, is presented as an inescapable aspect when analysing this new scenario of ageing that is presented to us today.
The design of suitable environments for people with dementia, as well as the elderly, which respond to their needs and preferences, is a discipline that has an increasing presence and impact in the design of person-centred care models, particularly in people with dementia.
The objectives of this module are:
- To understand the importance of the environments that surround us and particularly in people with dementia.
- To know how people with dementia relate to their environments.
- To know what are the main aspects of a suitable environment for a person with dementia.
- To have some notions about what we can apply in our homes if we live with or care for a person with dementia.
Learning outcomes
The material should allow the caregivers of people with dementia to:
- Understand how the surrounding environment influences people’s well-being
- Establish the characteristics that an environment designed from the person-centred care model must meet so that it becomes a factor that contributes to improving people’s quality of life.
- Understand how the relationship between people and the space that surrounds them develops.
- Determine the principles of an adequate environmental design based on this relationship.
Key points:
- There is great scientific evidence that shows the great impact that environments have on the quality of life of people with dementia.
- All people who have a relationship with people with dementia (whether they are family members, non-professional caregivers, professional caregivers, social workers, health workers, etc.) should know the basic concepts of properly designed environments for people with dementia to contribute to improving their quality of life.
How I made my home Dementia Friendly
The dementia friendly environment in a care home
How does a person with dementia see the world
1. List of references
- BECHTEL, Robert B. y Arza CHURCHMAN: Handbook of Environmental Psychology. New York, John Wiley & Sons, Inc, 2002.
- BERMEJO GARCIA, L.. “Bases y reflexiones en torno a las Buenas Prácticas en residencias de personas mayores en situación de dependencia”. Oviedo: Consejería de Bienestar Social y Vivienda del Principado de Asturias, 2009.
- CALKINS, Margaret P.: Design for Dementia: Planning Environments for the Elderly and the Confused. National Health Publishing, 1988.
- CASTEJÓN VILLAREJO Penélope y Mayte SANCHO CASTIELLO: Modelos de Convivencia. Instituto de Mayores y Servicios Sociales, Imserso, 2007.
- CHAUDHURY, Habib, Lillian HUNG y Melissa BADGER: The Role of Physical Environment in Supporting Person-centered Dining in Long-Term Care : A Review or the Literature, en American journal of alzheimer´s disease and other dementias, 17-05-2003.
- DAY, Kristen y Margaret P. CALKINS: Handbook of Environmental Psychology, Chapter 25: Design and dementia, pg 374-392. New York, John Wiley & Sons, Inc, 2002.
- FEDDERSEN, E. y LUDTKE, I. Lost in space: Architecture and Dementia. Basel: Birkhäuser Verlag Gmbh, 2014.
- GEHL, Jan: La humanización del espacio urbano: la vida social entre los edificios. Madrid, Reverte 2006.
- Guía de Implantación: El espacio y el tiempo en la enfermedad de Alzheimer”. Madrid: Instituto de Mayores y Servicios Sociales, Imserso, 2013.
- LAWTON M. Powell, Kimberly VAN HAITSMA, y Jennifer KLAPPER; A Balanced Stimulation and Retreat Program for a Special Care Dementia Unit, Alzheimer Disease and Associated Disorders.; pgs. 133-138. Raven Press, Ltd., Polisher Research Institute, Philadelphia Geriatric Center, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, U.S.A., 1994.
- LAWTON M. Powell, FULCOMER Mc y KLEBAN M. H.; Architecture for the Mentally Impaired Elderly: a Post-occupancy Evaluation Environment Behavior.
- MARTINEZ RODRIGUEZ, Teresa: La atención gerontológica centrada en la persona: Guía para la intervención profesional en los centros y servicios de atención a personas mayores en situación de fragilidad o dependencia. Bilbao, Servicio Central de Publicaciones del Gobierno Vasco, 2011.
- ROBLES, Lucia: Arquitectura terapéutica para sobrellevar el Alzheimer., Madrid, EFE, 19-08-2013.
- RODRIGUEZ RODRIGUEZ, Pilar: Hacia un nuevo modelo de alojamientos: las residencias en las que querremos vivir. Madrid, Fundación Caser para la Dependencia, 2011.
- RODRIGUEZ RODRIGUEZ, Pilar: Innovaciones en residencias para personas en situación de dependencia, diseño arquitectónico y modelo de atención. Madrid, Fundación Caser para la Dependencia, 2012.
- RODRIGUEZ RODRIGUEZ, Pilar: La atención integral centrada en la persona. Papeles de la Fundación Pilares para la autonomía personal, nº1, 2013.
- REIGNIER, Victor A.: Assisted living housing for the elderly: Design innovations from the United States and Europe. New York, Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1994.
- VERBEEK, Hilde: Redesigning dementia care: An evaluation of small-scale, homelike care environments. Maastricht, Van Hooren drukkerij en repro bv., 2011.
- YANGUAS, José Javier y otros: Modelo de atención a las personas con enfermedad de Alzheimer. Madrid, Instituto de Mayores y Servicios Sociales, Imserso, 2007.
- YANGUAS, José Javier, Mayte SANCHO y Elena DEL BARRIO: Envejecimiento, vivienda y entorno. Gobierno Vasco, 2012.
2. Further reading
- A review of the empirical literature on the design of physical environments for people with dementia. An Australian Government Iniciative.
- At home with dementia: A manual for people with dementia and their carers.
- Developing supportive design for people with dementia: Overarching design principles.